Dwi yw Elin, darlunydd llawrydd o Gymru wedi’i leoli yng Nghernyw ar ol graddio o Brifysgol Aberfal yn 2020. Mae fy ngwaith yn aml yn cael ei ysbrydoli gan fyd natur, ecoleg, straeon gwerin ac anthropoleg. Mae angerdd am adrodd straeon a’r dathliad ac amddiffyniad o ein byd natur wedi bod yn ysgogiad cyson yn fy ngwaith a ei fy mhroses creadigol. Trwy fy ngwaith, dwi’n anelu i ddyfnhau ein cysylltiad i’r amgylchedd naturiol, yn adlewyrchu straeon y dirwedd, mewn cymdeithas lle mae pobl aml yn canolbwyntio ar y byd materol. Ers graddio dwi wedi mynd ymlaen i gael y pleser o weithio gyda nifer o gyhoeddwyr a chleientiaid, wedi rhestru isod.

Rhestr o gleientiaid: Google, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Lost Art Press, Resurgence and Ecologist, Inkcap Journal, Elliot and Thompson, Quarto, Hachette, The Maverick Guide, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Tikino, Lorien Motion Pictures, A Year and a Day, St Austell Print

I’m Elin, a freelance illustrator from Wales now based in Cornwall after having graduated from Falmouth University in 2020. My work is inspired by the natural world, ecology, folklore and anthropology. A passion for storytelling and the celebration and protection of our natural world has been a constant drive within my work and creative process. Through my work I hope and aim to deepen our connection to the natural environment, reflecting stories of the landscape, in a world that is often focused on the material. Since graduating I have gone on to have the pleasure of working with a number of publishers and clients, listed below.

List of clients: Google, Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Lost Art Press, Resurgence and Ecologist, Inkcap Journal, Elliot and Thompson, Quarto, Hachette, The Maverick Guide, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Tikino, Lorien Motion Pictures, A Year and a Day, St Austell Print

photography - @jackorionphotography